Samsung i8750 ativ s hardrset fectery default setings ok

Samsung I8750 Ativ S Hard Reset Steps:Warning:
Before Do Hard Reset Backup importent Data And Applications.
 Make sure that the device battery is fully charged, Or at least it is at 90% of charging level.Turn off the device, Press the Power button for some seconds and then scroll down to turn off option.

 Wait for 10 seconds to make sure that the phone is off. Press Volume Down key and Power key to turn the phone on.Keep pressing the Volume Down key and release Power key.When the device boots with exclamation mark " ! " on screen release Volume Down key. Now you should press some keys in the following order:
Press Volume Up key > Press Volume Down key > Press Power key > Press Volume Down key
- After pressing the above keys the operation will start in a moment, So just wait for it to be finished.


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